Duration 4100

هل المشد مفيد ام لأ؟؟هل بجعلنا نخسر وزن؟ Slimming belt for weight loss does it work

52 watched
Published 12 Feb 2021

Slimming belts can make you loose weight?? KEEP READING TO FIND OUT THE CAUSES I mention interesting details in my description!!!!! ⬇️ ⚠️I ll be speaking in my videos in Arabic but do not worry because i m going to resume everything in English and French as well⚠️ 🔴English version: Slimming belts Myth explained: 1)They burn fat In fact 84% from fat leaves the body through the lungs (breathing) not sweat 2)They make you lose weight You just lose water from sweat which the body replaces 24 to 48 hours after 3)It s beneficial to lose water from our body Losing water can lead to dehydration How to lose weight? -Exercice -Healthy eating 🔴French version: Ceintures minceur Mythe expliqué: 1) Ils brûlent les graisses En faite, 84% de la graisse s évacue par la respiration a travers les poumons 2) Perte de poids Vous perdez de l'eau (sueur) que le corps remplace 24 à 48 heures après l exercice 3) Il rétention d eau est bénéfique La perte d'eau entraîne une déshydratation Comment maigrir? -Faire du sport -Regime alimentaire equilibré ⚠️Do not forget to subscribe and comment below if you have any questions ⚠️ Follow me on my tiktok account: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ1pscGW/ #slimmingBelt #fat #poids #CeintureMinceur #مشد #دهن #وزن 🔴MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All informations, content are not a substitute for consultation/nedical treatment /healthcare provider. This information should not be used to self diagnose or self treat any medical condition. THANKS FOR WATCHING❤️❤️


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